Monday 6 February 2012

Headlines Education Centre Kumasi

Here are some photos from the school and different classes.


  1. Hi Mike,
    I really enjoyed looking at the photographs,although not there it does give us an idea what you are experiencing.
    School looks lovely and airy, pupils look super in their uniforms.
    Mrs Gibb looks to be enjoying her teaching.

  2. Flugga wondered who the lady in the last photo is? Is she a teacher? I was at a meeting with Jane Macaulay last night and she hopes you are having a good time, she asked if you could pass on her regards to Olivia and ask her when she is coming over to stay again.

    Remember to get some Science teacher contact details!! and some photos for me!!

  3. The lady in the last picture is Susan, the head of Nursery. Catherine is staying with her and she is Olivia's 'right hand man' so to speak.
    We have remembered Jane to Olivia.
    Teacher's details will come home with us. Haven't been to a Biology lesson yet but we had a good Chemistry one upon which I am sure David will relate on his return.

  4. Is picture 12 the staff room (with the comfy chair and white tile floor)?
    Also, S3 boys are big fans of the brightly coloured shirt.

  5. Not the staff room. That is Olivia's office. No getting jealous Mrs O'Neill. The staff room is half the size!
