Hi all,
The sun is coming back after a day and a half of a hazy mist. Nearly!
Second and third school lessons came and went with successful P.E. for both junior and senior classes. Football was the lesson with some passing coaching and then a game for two 45 minute periods running into each other. The kids liked them (only a couple of injuries) but I was shattered after.
A second day of project presentation gave me the opportunity to relax into my main job out here of photographer. It was fantastic with some great pics to follow and some film to better convey the sounds. It's a shame you can't feel the heat and all the other sensations from being here. It really is a great experience.
Lunch saw us dining with staff and children who had done well in some of their exams. More food (most of it lovely with only some being 'different') was consumed which seems to be quite a major pastime on our trip. I didn't think I would need to diet on my return but just maybe at this rate!